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J. F. K. Huber Lecture Award

The J. F. K. Huber Lecture Award is presented by the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry (ASAC).


This Award was created in 2014 to honor scientists who have made major contributions to the advancement of HPLC in theory and practice.

Prof. Joseph Franz Karl Huber (1st January 1925 – 15th August 2000) who gives this Award the name, received his doctoral degree in 1960 about a physico-chemical topic under the supervision of Prof. Erica Cremer of the University Innsbruck (Austria). 1964 Joseph Huber moved to the Free University of Amsterdam.


In 1974 he moved back to Austria accepting the Chair of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Vienna where he became Emeritus in 1995. He is considered as one of the founding fathers of HPLC whereby his vision of the impact of small particles on the high efficiency of LC and of multidimensional LC marks the two corner stones of his research.


Based on nominations, the Honoring Committee of the ASAC will select the awardee. The Award will be presented at international conferences related to separation sciences.



2014: Attila FELINGER (Pécs, Hungary) at ISC 2014 Salzburg

2017: Gert DESMET (Brussels, Belgium) at HPLC 2017 Prague

2019: Fabrice GRITTI (Milford, MA, USA) at HPLC 2019 Milano

2021: Michael Lämmerhofer (Tübingen, Germany) at the Analytica virtual 2020

2022: Alberto Cavazzini (Ferrara, Italy) at ISC 2022 Budapest

2023: Deirdre Cabooter (Leuven, Belgium) at HPLC 2023 Düsseldorf

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