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History of the HPLC Conference Series
Since its first edition in 1973 in Interlaken, Switzerland, the HPLC symposium series has established as one of the world’s major conference series in analytical chemistry and separation sciences.
The conference represents an international forum for discussion of advances in liquid phase and condensed fluid based separations as well as related technologies; it is strongly methodologically and technologically driven. The emphasis of these meetings is since ever on fundamentals of separation science, in particular liquid chromatography (HPLC, UHPLC) and super-critical fluid chromatography, its hyphenation to mass spectrometry, multidimensional separations, sample preparation and their applications in various fields. In addition, capillary separations, microfluidic, nanofluidic and chip separations, diagnostic systems, and other leading technologies are also considered.
Meetings alternate between Europe (odd years) and the United States (even years). Odd years' meetings in Europe are accompanied since 2008 by an additional meeting in Asia/Pacific.